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The Grammy's Story

Eager to give our customers the experience of a lifetime, the first Saturday in May 2016 found a family of excited donut makers ready to tackle their first market day in the Gresham Farmer's Market.  When we started mixing the second batch,  the excitement began.  The mixer locked up and wouldn't budge.  That was the beginning of mixing 5 batches of donuts that day by hand.

So what made our family decide to make donuts?

In September 2015 I was diagnosed with a terminal liver disease. The doctor's verdict was that I had, according to statistics, from 5 to 17 years to live.  That made me start thinking, "What can our family do to support us in the event that I'm not able to work, but still be a blessing to others?" 

My wife and I spent a lot of time praying about what God wanted us to do.  We shared an idea with a friend for some advice.  His experience in that field made him discourage us from pursuing that option but he asked if he could suggest a different option.

"Absolutely!" I replied, glad for any suggestions he had to offer.

"Why don't you make donuts at a farmers market?"

That was a new idea for us but the more we thought and prayed about it, the more the idea grew on us. This project would give our family the opportunity to work together and, most of all, be a blessing in the community.

You can now satisfy your taste buds with our original donuts and the Mexican donut all season adding in the apple cider donuts in the fall, and the blueberry donuts during the blueberry season.  In the summer of 2019 we added the wheat free donuts which are available all year. 2020 brought the latest additions to the donut family, the maple donut, the chocolate donutsand the blackberry donuts.  2021 added the strawberry donut.

Find us on the web for our current location, then join us for an experience that will take you back to Grammy's kitchen.

Never miss a specialty donut and always know where to find us.

Portland, OR


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